becoming a warrior parent

Becoming a Warrior Parent – Step 1 is to Dust Off Your Cape



In this episode, we teach you how to confidently step in your new role becoming a warrior parent. Being a warrior parent is not something you need a degree for. All you need is to trust yourself and believe that you are what is best for your child.


Knowing when to trust your own instinct over advice from a professional is challenging. You are battling with what you feel and what you are told. I am going to share one of the first moments I gave into what I felt. It was something as simple as sitting on the floor with Ry and playing the way he wanted to.


It was that moment that my husband and I saw the light in Ry’s eyes and felt a real connection with him. We saw potential in trusting our intuitions. Not because professionals are wrong, but simply because we know what is best for our son. We are going to talk about our switch to the Son-Rise Program and what we learned from taking the leap to becoming warrior parents.


Take the leap with us. Len and I developed five steps to taking the leap. We are going to talk about what it means to acknowledge reality, trust yourself, make the bold decisions and take inventory. Taking these steps helped Len turn his anxiety into energy and helped both of us feel empowered to be the warrior parents we were capable of all along.


It’s in you too. Listen and let us help you discover your inner superhero.

Key Takeaways

  • You already have what it takes to be a warrior parent (1:15)
  • Embracing what you feel is best, Cass connects to Ry in a special way (3:07)
  • Making the switch to the Sunrise Program (5:37)
  • Realization that what we needed was to let him lead (6:37)
  • Take the leap to become a warrior parent (5 steps) (7:27)
  • How to deal with judgement (14:36)
  • Be prepared to let go (16:20)
  • Our energy serge (17:17)
  • Testimonial from another mom (20:14)
  • Three actions you can take today (21:33)

becoming a warrior parent

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We help autism parents like you raise your game.

You absolutely CAN operate with greater ease and hope with the right support. From parents who have lived this path. Coaching support gives you the space to see things more clearly and perhaps differently.

With support you can quickly learn “how” to operate better to attain your goals for your child faster. Why wait?