Meltdowns are NOT Inevitable
Welcome to Episode 90 of the Autism Parenting Secrets.
Meltdowns! That’s the topic this week. It’s a challenge like no other.
This episode dives deep into what a parent CAN do about their child’s meltdowns. And the good news is… parents can do a lot.
Our guests this week are Kate C. Wilde and Raun K. Kaufman. Collectively, they have over 50 years of experience supporting parents and their children on the autism spectrum.
They’re authors, teachers and thought leaders with powerful insights.
They’ve partnered to create the Autism Crisis Turnaround (ACT) Protocol, a three-step process that helps parents better address challenging situations like meltdowns.
Tantrums and meltdowns are not uncommon, but they’re likely much more prevalent with children on the spectrum.
And it can feel like they’re just a part of Autism – that they come with the diagnosis.
But that’s NOT true.
The secret this week is… Meltdowns are NOT Inevitable
You’ll Discover:
- Meltdowns DON’T Come With Autism (4:55)
- Meltdowns Are NOT Intentional (11:25)
- The 3 Core Issues Behind Your Child’s Meltdowns (14:37)
- How To Reclaim Your Power DURING A Meltdown (20:07)
- Why Setting Boundaries Benefits YOU The Most (29:00)
- The Perspective Shift That’s Needed (41:50)
About Our Guests:
Raun K. Kaufman
Raun K. Kaufman is the author of the book, Autism Breakthrough: The Groundbreaking Method That Has Helped Families All Over the World and the former CEO of the Autism Treatment Center of America®.
An international lecturer and graduate of the Ivy League’s Brown University with a degree in Biomedical Ethics, Raun has completed lecture tours in the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Norway, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Romania, France, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, and Vietnam.
He has been interviewed by media such as National Public Radio, BBC Television, Fox News Channel, The London Telegraph, and People Magazine.
In addition to his work with families and educators for almost 25 years, Raun brings a distinctive qualification to the realm of autism treatment: his own personal history.
As a child, Raun was diagnosed with severe autism and recommended for lifelong institutionalization. Instead, his parents developed The Son-Rise Program®, which enabled Raun to emerge with no trace of his former diagnosis. His story was recounted in the best-selling book, Son-Rise: The Miracle Continues, and the award-winning NBC-TV movie, Son-Rise: A Miracle of Love.
Kate C. Wilde
Kate C. Wilde has spent the last 30 years working with children and adults on the autism spectrum and their families, as well as with therapists, educators, and schools.
She is the author of the acclaimed books, Autistic Logistics: A Parent’s Guide to Tackling Bedtime, Toilet Training, Tantrums, Hitting, and Other Everyday Challenges and The Autism Language Launcher: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Turn Sounds and Words Into Simple Conversations.
Kate teaches throughout the U.S., Europe and Asia, she has also spoken at worldwide online autism summits, including the Autism Hope Summit and the Autism Recovery Tele-Summit.
She is a columnist for Exceptional Needs Today, has written articles for such publications as Autism Parenting Magazine in the U.S. and SEN Magazine in the U.K.
She has intensively trained and qualified more than forty professionals at the Autism Treatment Center of America® who have gone on to use The Son-Rise Program® to help thousands of families, children, and educators across the globe.
References in This Episode:
- The ACT Protocol
- Autism Parenting Secrets – Episode 69 – Your Child Is NOT The Problem
- Autism Breakthrough by Raun K. Kaufman
- Autistic Logistics: A Parent’s Guide to Tackling Bedtime, Toilet Training, Tantrums, Hitting, and Other Everyday Challenges by Kate C. Wilde
- The Autism Language Launcher: A Parent’s Guide to Helping Your Child Turn Sounds and Words Into Simple Conversations by Kate C. Wilde
Additional Resources:
- Free Resource: 33 Mistakes Most Autism Parents Make and How To Avoid Them
- To learn more about Cass & Len’s All-In Warrior Parent Tribe, click here
- Got a Picky Eater? – this can help
- To learn more about Cass & Len, visit us at
- Be sure to follow Cass & Len on Instagram
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