Welcome to Episode 169 of Autism Parenting Secrets.
This week, we’re joined by Dr. Luis Garcia, a leading contributor to the field of biomagnetism.
Biomagnetism helps to stabilize the body’s PH and stimulates the immune system.
Dr. Garcia has deep expertise in several alternative approaches as well as traditional Western medicine.
But for him, nothing has been more effective than biomagnetism for improving the health and vitality of his patients.
His practice now specializes in biomagnetism, and he teaches others (including parents like you) to do the same.
The secret this week is…
You’ll Discover:
- How Biomagnetism Works (5:47)
- Why Muscle Testing Reveals So Much (12:40)
- Why Restoring Blood Flow Is So Vital (15:58)
- How Our Environment Is Failing Our Kids (18:23)
- The Exact Way Biomagnetism Gets To The Root Cause (28:24)
- Applications for Allergies (36:00)
- How Magnets Reduce Inflammation (42:31)
- How Parents Can Be Trained In Biomagnetism (46:50)
About Our Guest:
Luis Garcia received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from Boston College in 1997, where his genetic research landed him in an international scientific publication (Development, 1997). He received his medical degree from Universidad de la Sabana in Bogota, Colombia, in 2005 and served as Medical Director and Chief Science Officer of Salud Futura Clinic in Bogotá, Colombia, until June 2010. Dr. Garcia is licensed to practice medicine and surgery in Colombia, South America, where he was recognized as one of the leading Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) medical experts in areas that include cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders, diabetes, chronic fatigue, autoimmune disease, cancer, and other concerns associated with aging.
Dr. Garcia was always unsettled about how conventional medicine treated symptoms rather than underlying causes. In search of a more effective healing modality, he explored Complementary and Alternative Medicine, learning from top experts around the world. At Salud Futura Clinic, Dr. Garcia worked with neurofeedback, neural therapy, ozone therapy, homotoxicology, neuro-linguistic programming, chelation therapy, DMSO therapy, and nutritional therapies—all alongside traditional Western medicine. Whereas he found some success with these modalities, he always felt that there was a better way.
Continuing his exploration of CAM, in 2008, Dr. Garcia attended a seminar on Biomagnetic Pair Therapy by founder Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran. Dr. Garcia was amazed that a few simple magnets could foster such profound health. Whereas the ramifications for wellness throughout the world were awe-inspiring, Dr. Garcia approached biomagnetism with a healthy skepticism. He incorporated biomagnetism into his medical practice while rigorously testing the results with conventional diagnostics. After two years, it was evident that he achieved more fundamental health results in his patients with biomagnetism than with conventional means. Dr. Garcia had found the better way. He closed his medical practice in Colombia and returned to the United States to establish a practice devoted to biomagnetism.
From the onset, Dr. Garcia envisioned biomagnetism as an innovation that would revolutionize the effectiveness of and access to quality healthcare around the world. Through personal development, personal research, clinical research, and education, Dr. Garcia has become a leading contributor to the field of biomagnetism.
References in The Episode:
Additional Resources:
- Take The Quiz: What’s YOUR Top Autism Parenting Blindspot?
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